Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Happy Tuesday

Wow, another week off to a fast and furious start!  I find myself already behind, and it's only Tuesday.  However, I mustn't complain.  Yesterday found me serving my civic duty through jury duty.  Yes, it is a pain and interrupts carefully planned out days, but I feel it is important to serve as positive contributing member to society.  A responsibility to fulfill in the land of the free.

Today held great surprises when I walked into the library.  NEW BOOKS arrived while I was gone.  My heart did the happy dance!  Reports were waiting, problem opportunities to help with were increasing, but new books had arrived.  Yep, one order of books came first; reports could wait.  Besides the joy of opening new boxes of books; I so enjoy getting new books into the hands of students.  Some have been waiting patiently for these titles to get here; others just like a surprise of something new every once in a while.  Whichever the case, it's fun to show off the new stuff.

I still have more to process so this week will be filled with activity.  {Doing the happy dance!}   The weather is cold and rainy here -- perfect for discovering new titles and great adventures.  Enjoy something new and have a great week.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Libraries are now a place where more than reading occurs. They are meeting places, media connections, learning environments, and yes, still a place to find a good book.

 Many still like actual books (like myself). There is just something about the feel and smell of a book that cannot be beat. Somehow while holding a bound copy I am able to lose myself within its pages. However, not everyone agrees with me. The convenience of accessing a book via cell phone, tablet, or ereader makes ebooks the perfect choice for many on the go. As a result, ebooks are now available in the library. Please see the Smore flyer below.

Happy Reading!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Library Love

So last week was all about love at our school along with many others.  Junior High kids love Valentine's week.  This year I decided to use an idea I got from Pinterest.  I had students share what they loved about the library.  They wrote their message on prepared hearts I had for them.  Then I hung them up along the counter for everyone to see.  It is interesting to see all the different viewpoints.

This last week I also began challenging myself to learn new tech tools I could use and share with teachers/students.  One I really liked is Animoto.  It is a simple process to use and creates neat presentations of information.  It includes several backgrounds to choose from and music is also connected to the backgrounds.  It offers a free account or it can be upgraded.  Teachers can also create an educational account that allows for student usage as well, Click here to go to the educator portion.  This is a web-based tool; it cannot be downloaded, but it works well, is quick, and easy.  All qualities I like!

I picked a few of the students' library love messages to share in an Animoto presentation.  Enjoy!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Author Love

Happy Friday the 13th! We are celebrating Valentine's Day here, so I thought I would share one of the authors that my girls love.

 Susane Colasanti has been discovered here in the library. Her books stay checked out, and I have a long waiting list for all her titles. Every day someone comes in and asks if any of her books have been turned in or if I've gotten any new books by her.

 Good news! She has a new book, and yes, I've ordered it for the library. Until it gets here, however, I thought you might like to preview it on the web. Please click here to explore her new book or older ones.

 I hope you have a great Friday and a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A New Adventure

I have decided to jump in with both feet and try blogging.  My goal is simple.  I want to have a place to share books and technology ideas with students and teachers.  I just don't have enough time during the day to interact with everyone.  Hopefully, this will be a place the conversations and inspirations continue.  Please be patient as I am new at this and unsure of my direction.  I do know books and learning will drive my focus.  I hope you enjoy the journey with me.